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Contested Memories in Chinese and Japanese Foreign Policy explores the issue of memory and lack of reconciliation in East Asia. As main East Asian nations have never achieved a common memory of their pasts, in particular, the events of the Second World War and Sino-Japanese War, this book locates the issue of memory within International Relations theory, exploring the theoretical and practical link between the construction of a country’s identity and the formation and contestation of its...
Cet ouvrage s’interroge sur les relations entre mémoire, intimité et historiographie dans le contexte particulier des expériences de domination – colonialisme et dictatures – qui ont affecté les espaces (ex)impériaux des mondes ibériques contemporains. En s’appuyant sur différents cas d’étude (Afrique, Amérique latine, Péninsule ibérique), les chapitres qui composent ce volume explorent le double mouvement de domination et de subversion au prisme de ce que nous appelons l’archive sensible....
Libro Política Pública de Archivos de Derechos Humanos, Memoria Histórica y Conflicto Armado facebook twitter whatsapp Luego de la firma del acuerdo de paz entre el gobierno nacional y la guerrilla de las Farc, después de más de cinco décadas de conflicto armado interno, la sociedad colombiana y sus instituciones asisten a un momento histórico …
Seventy years have passed since the end of the Asia-Pacific War, yet Japan remains embroiled in controversy with its neighbors over the war’s commemoration. Among the many points of contention between Japan, China, and South Korea are interpretations of the Tokyo War Crimes Trial, apologies and compensation for foreign victims of Japanese aggression, prime ministerial visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, and the war’s portrayal in textbooks. Collectively, these controversies have come to be called...
Nunca más por (CONADEP), Comisión Nacional s. ISBN: 9789502325705 - Tema: DERECHOS HUMANOS - Editorial: EUDEBA - La Conadep fue creada por el Poder Ejecutivo Nacional en diciembre de 1983 con el o..Eudeba - Av Rivadavia 1573, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: +54 11 4383 8025 Mail:
"The report, 'Enabling a Dictator: The United States and Chad's Hissène Habré 1982-1990s,' describes how France, and especially the United States, were pivotal in bringing Habré to power, although signs of his brutality were already evident. The two countries saw Habré as a bulwark against the expansionist designs of Libyas Muammar Gaddafi, whose forces were occupying northern Chad. Human Rights Watch details how both the United States and France continued to provide Habrés government with...
O prima monografie a Securitatii in primele ei doua decenii de existenta volumul sintetizeaza cercetarile intreprinse de istoricul Marius Oprea specializat in investigarea activitatii fostei politii politice comuniste din Romania. Bastionul cruzimii prezinta intr-o riguroasa documentare stiintifica adevarata fata a Securitatii: de la organizarea interna la modul de derulare a anchetelor de la legislatia cu caracter represiv la torturile si crimele acesteia fara sa omita locul aparatului...
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is one of the world's best-known and most translated documents. When it was presented to the United Nations General Assembly in December in 1948, Eleanor Roosevelt, chair of the writing group, called it a new "Magna Carta for all mankind." The passage of time has shown Roosevelt to have been largely correct in her prediction as to the declaration's importance. No other document in the world today can claim a comparable standing in the international...
Der Band untersucht erstmals in vergleichender Perspektive den politischen und gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit den Opfern nach dem Fall der Diktaturen. Welche Entschädigungsleistungen erhielten die Opfer der faschistischen und der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur nach 1945 in Italien, in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Österreich? Wie gingen die Gesellschaften in Spanien, Portugal und Griechenland nach dem Fall der Militärdiktaturen in den 1970er Jahren mit den Opfern um? Was erreichten die...
A well-balanced and detailed look at the East German Ministry for State Security, the secret police force more commonly known as the Stasi. “This is an excellent book, full of careful, balanced judgements and a wealth of concisely-communicated knowledge. It is also well written. Indeed, it is the best book yet published on the MfS.”―German History The Stasi stood for Stalinist oppression and all-encompassing surveillance. The “shield and sword of the party,” it secured the rule of the...
How do societies transitioning from oppressive to democratic rule hold accountable those citizens who contributed to maintaining injustice in the ancient regime by secretly denouncing fellow citizens? Is their public identification a way of fulfilling respect for those who suffered harm as a result of their collaboration? And is public identification respectful of denunciators themselves? This book pursues these questions through a multidisciplinary investigation focusing on the denunciators...
Kaum ein Protagonist der Umbruchszeit 1989/90 polarisiert bis heute so wie Wolfgang Schnur. Als Anwalt arbeitet Schnur (geb. 1944) in der DDR als Rechtsbeistand für Bürgerrechtler und Wehrdienstverweigerer. Nicht wenige sehen den Mitbegründer und Vorsitzenden des Demokratischen Aufbruchs als kommenden Wahlsieger bei den Volkskammerwahlen im März 1990 und damit als künftigen DDR-Ministerpräsidenten. Doch kurz vor der Wahl wird bekannt, dass Schnur seit den 1960er Jahren für die Stasi tätig...
Taking stock of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the collapse of the communist regimes of Central and Eastern Europe, this volume explores the ways these societies have grappled with the serious human rights violations of past regimes. It focuses on the most important factors that have shaped the nature, speed, and sequence of transitional justice programs in the period spanning the tumultuous revolutions that brought about the collapse of the communist dictatorships and the consolidation of...
The formation, organization, and accessibility of archives and libraries are critical for the production of historical narratives. They contain the materials...
This is the first extensive English-language study of Yasukuni Shrine as a war memorial. It explores the controversial shrine's role in waging war, promoting peace, honoring the dead, and, in particular, building Japan's modern national identity. It traces Yasukuni's history from its conceptualization in the final years of the Tokugawa period and Japan's wars of imperialism to the present. Author Akiko Takenaka departs from existing scholarship on Yasukuni by considering various themes...
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (148)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (17)
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