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Saltanat Nukenova is a name that is widely recognized in Kazakhstan these days. That is because, on November 9, Saltanat’s husband, Kuandyk Bishimbayev, the former economy minister, was detained in connection with her death. She was just 31 years old.
Ciudadanos rusos en Ucrania se enfrentan a toda clase de trabas para cambiar su nacionalidad.
Ciudadanos rusos en Ucrania se enfrentan a toda clase de trabas para cambiar su nacionalidad.
Meta Platforms, société mère de Facebook, a délibérément conçu ses plateformes sociales pour attirer les enfants et était au courant de millions de plaintes concernant des utilisateurs mineurs sur Instagram
La Conferencia Episcopal Española trabaja en la elaboración de un plan de reparación integral a las víctimas de abusos que prevé indemnizaciones económicas, incluso si no hay sentencia judicial porque el abusador haya fallecido o porque el caso haya prescrito. El secretario general de la instancia dijo aún no se ha calculado un monto, e indicó que si existe un fallo de la justicia, este establecerá la cantidad a pagar.
À partir de la fin des années 1960, le Danemark a fait poser un stérilet à de nombreuses Groenlandaises, souvent de jeunes adolescentes, à leur insu et sans leur consentement. Après être longtemps restées silencieuses, les victimes réclament aujourd'hui des réparations.
In the late 1960s, Denmark implemented a brutal contraceptive policy to limit births in its former colony of Greenland, forcing thousands of teenage girls to have IUDs inserted without their consent. After decades of repressing their trauma, the women are now speaking out and demanding reparation.
Governments have declared the practice a human rights violation. But they have made exceptions that are divisive among parents, doctors and social workers.
Can Taiwan learn from Ukraine as it faces military threats from China? Fighting disinformation, utilizing technology and establishing command systems are crucial.
Ukraine commemorated the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor, or death by hunger, when millions starved to death in Europe's breadbasket after Stalin ordered the seizure of farmers' crops and food. This film is based on a Canadian reporter's unauthorised truth-telling trip through the starving Soviet heartland. It's interwoven with the story of a Ukrainian prisoner of war from Russia's invasion.
Data is everywhere, and the humanitarian sector is no exception. As humanitarians, we want decision-making to be ‘data-driven’ or ‘evidence-based’. However, this opportunity also presents a risk of misguided analysis supporting misguided response.
Ancienne cheffe des droits humains de l'ONU, Michelle Bachelet a fait face à de nombreux défis, du Covid à l’invasion de l’Ukraine. Portrait.
A South Korean court has ordered Japan to compensate a group of women who were forced to work in wartime brothels.
Over a year out of her job as Human Rights Commissioner, Michelle Bachelet talks about her legacy and controversies that rocked her presidency.
Le personnel des organisations internationales est presque totalement inopérant: les violations des droits humains perpétrés actuellement ne peuvent pas être documentées, ce qui renforce le cycle de l’impunité pour les crimes internationaux.
Le Sénat a adopté mercredi une proposition de loi visant à reconnaître la "responsabilité" de l'État français dans les condamnations de personnes pour homosexualité entre 1945 et 1982 sur le fondement d'anciennes lois discriminatoires.
Staff from international organisations are left almost entirely inoperative: they cannot document the human rights violations that are currently being committed, which reinforces the cycle of impunity for international crimes.
The library said it was “aware that some data has been leaked, which appears to be from files relating to our internal HR information”. Academics and researchers who use the library have been told that disruption to the institution’s services after the serious ransomware attack was likely to continue for months.
The contempt cases may assist the Kosovo Specialist Chambers Special Prosecutor's Office and the judges in carrying out their mandates and building the judicial record.
Mary Robinson fut la première femme présidente d’Irlande avant d’occuper ce que certains appellent le plus dur job à l’ONU: cheffe des droits humains. Portrait.
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