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Campaigners in Brazil use drones to document work of self-defence teams trying to stop environmental destruction caused by illegal mining.
Le lauréat du prix en 2021, Dmitri Mouratov, a été ajouté à la liste des «agents de l’étranger» des autorités russes.
Pocos meses luego del golpe de Estado con el que Augusto Pinochet derrocó al gobierno de Salvador Allende en Chile, un equipo del programa Panorama de la BBC viajó al país para registrar la situación del país. Este valioso material histórico tomado del archivo de la BBC refleja la realidad chilena en los inicios de la dictadura militar, que luego se extendería 17 años, dejando más de 40.000 víctimas, entre ellas, 3.000 muertos y desaparecidos.
Social networks want their users to spend more time on their platforms, to leave a more extensive digital footprint that can be used for various purposes.
Canada has learned, much like Australia several years ago, that Facebook is willing to play hardball to scuttle legislation it doesn't like.
A law requiring taxi companies to provide the Federal Security Service (FSB) with data on riders' trips has come into force.
The box-office flop, about a fictional violinist who gets caught up in the atrocities, is further evidence that Russians want to forget about the invasion.
Officials reflected policing minister’s enthusiasm to roll out controversial technology across the country, particularly in retail settings
An exhibition highlights the Polish city’s innovative reconstruction effort after the second world war.
Police accused of playing ‘fast and loose’ with New Yorkers’ rights to due process and to freely hold peaceful gatherings
The federal government has put a price tag on what it would like to see Google and Facebook spend under an act requiring the tech giants to compensate media for news articles.
Opinion: As Pakistan finds itself in another unpredictable monsoon season, vulnerable farming communities face a resurgence of indentured servitude and other forms of modern slavery.
Opinion: Amid a climate emergency, seemingly endless conflict, and consequent refugee crises, the glaring absence of an effective global strategy to safeguard the most fundamental rights of impoverished and marginalised populations across the world has made it clear that the concept of “human rights”, as sacralised by the liberal West, has lost all meaning and purpose – for everyone, but especially for those of us in the Global South.
Los archivos de la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia: Desafíos y Logros. Mauricio Katz y Catherine Romero presentarán la historia de cómo se cerraron y se entregaron los archivos de la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia. Esto con la intención de informarle al público dónde se encuentran hoy los archivos para su consulta, investigación, apropiación y otros usos como parte de una primera medida de reparación individual y colectiva del derecho a la verdad y no repetición que heredó la Comisión...
The Observatory has been informed about the arbitrary dissolution of the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis (SOVA Center), a Moscow-based human rights organisation specialised in monitoring of hate crimes, nationalism, xenophobia and racism, freedom of religion and belief, as well as anti-extremism legislation.
Ben Barnes, chief of the Shawnee Tribe, tells Al Jazeera that advocates do not want the truth ‘sifted through a sieve’. Starting from around 1819 and continuing through the 1960s, generations of Indigenous children were separated from their families and sent to the institutions, run by government or missionary organisations. Washington released the results of a first-of-its-kind investigation into the boarding schools and their policies.
In the context of growing uncertainty and anxiety surrounding trans-inclusive practice in the cultural sector, the University of Leicester’s Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG) – working with a team of legal scholars and experts in inclusion, equality and ethics – has developed comprehensive guidance on advancing trans inclusion for museums, galleries, archives and heritage organisations. The book is downloadable for free.
In its 75 years, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has helped many find justice -- either by changing laws or providing opportunities for people to claim their rights. But there are still places where accessing justice is difficult or impossible for those seeking it. In this episode, we hear from those who continue to uphold the promise of the Declaration.
Lebanese authorities’ arrest and investigation of prominent comedian Nour Hajjar, solely in retaliation for his jokes, represents a new escalation in Lebanon’s crackdown on public criticism, the Coalition to Defend Freedom of Expression in Lebanon of which Amnesty International is a member, said today.
De nouvelles révélations au sujet d’une unité ultrasecrète créée au sein du cabinet du premier ministre Pierre Elliott Trudeau pour espionner les souverainistes québécois témoignent de l’ampleur de ce qu’on ignore encore concernant la réponse d’Ottawa au mouvement indépendantiste.
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