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The files, some labeled "Top Secret," could shed more light on abuses committed in British colonies during the heyday of the Empire, that successive governments have long kept hidden.
How do societies transitioning from oppressive to democratic rule hold accountable those citizens who contributed to maintaining injustice in the ancient regime by secretly denouncing fellow citizens? Is their public identification a way of fulfilling respect for those who suffered harm as a result of their collaboration? And is public identification respectful of denunciators themselves? This book pursues these questions through a multidisciplinary investigation focusing on the denunciators...
Beijing and Tokyo are currently involved in a zero-sum battle for soft power. Both governments are actively trying to shape how third party actors understand contested matters in their bilateral relationship. The dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands is the most obvious flashpoint in this ongoing struggle for hearts and minds. A soft power battle might seem like an innocent endeavour, but by entrenching enmity and legitimizing armed conflict, it might actually translate into one where hard...
Kaum ein Protagonist der Umbruchszeit 1989/90 polarisiert bis heute so wie Wolfgang Schnur. Als Anwalt arbeitet Schnur (geb. 1944) in der DDR als Rechtsbeistand für Bürgerrechtler und Wehrdienstverweigerer. Nicht wenige sehen den Mitbegründer und Vorsitzenden des Demokratischen Aufbruchs als kommenden Wahlsieger bei den Volkskammerwahlen im März 1990 und damit als künftigen DDR-Ministerpräsidenten. Doch kurz vor der Wahl wird bekannt, dass Schnur seit den 1960er Jahren für die Stasi tätig...
Taking stock of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the collapse of the communist regimes of Central and Eastern Europe, this volume explores the ways these societies have grappled with the serious human rights violations of past regimes. It focuses on the most important factors that have shaped the nature, speed, and sequence of transitional justice programs in the period spanning the tumultuous revolutions that brought about the collapse of the communist dictatorships and the consolidation of...
Alicia and Lorena are looking for answers. Some of their family went missing in Chile between 1973 and 1990 under the military regime. They are just two of the many people still struggling to find out what happened to relatives. As they search for truth and justice, they've given blood samples to help trace their missing relatives. The inclusion of DNA analyses in forensic practice means that their blood samples might help to find out what has happened to some of the disappeared.
In the 1990s, Japanese views of China were relatively positive. In the 2000s, however, views of China have deteriorated markedly and China has increasingly come to be seen as ‘anti-Japanese’. How can these developments, which took place despite increased economic interdependence, be understood? One seemingly obvious explanation is the occurrence of ‘anti-Japanese’ incidents in China since the mid-2000s. I suggest that these incidents per se do not fully explain the puzzle. Protests against...
The formation, organization, and accessibility of archives and libraries are critical for the production of historical narratives. They contain the materials...
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (412)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (301)
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